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QtWS25 Call for Papers
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    9 Posts

    Great !

    Since you have it working now please mark the thread as solved using the "Topic Tools" button or the three dotted menu beside the answer you deem correct so other forum users may know a solution has been found :-)

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    4 Posts

    You should not call GUI function from a different thread. Signal and slots is the way to go.

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    2 Posts


    Looks like you are on Unity. IIRC, all the menus are located in the top bar like on macOS and not on the Windows themselves.

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    4 Posts

    Thank you for the answers, they provide very valuable info. So there is no real way to have a generic PDF printer, and each developer have to write its own, by writing its own Paint() function. That was that I though, unfortunately.

    Unfortunately, because writing my own drawing function brings another issue in my case: I cannot get back the content of the delegate property encapsulated inside my TableView object, in my qml interface file from the c++ code. More exactly, I can, in the best situation, retrieve a part of these info, by getting back the items already drawn on the user interface, from the TableView cache. But as not all the items may be available in this case, I may miss important info in various scenarios, e.g.for still not painted items. Or I may also hardcode the values to use during the PDF export inside the c++ code to reflect what was did in the qml file.

    These solutions may resolve my issue in a certain manner, but are weak in terms of generating good and reusable code, especially when designers are intended to often modify the qml interface during the development cycles.

    I perhaps will explore the QTextDocument object, and the way it handles the PDF printing. However I don't know if I really can use this component to replace my qml TableView object, as its organization was exactly what I needed to show my data to the user. I will also take a look in the QtWebEngine solution, but this may work only if the text remains editable in the generated PDF, as I said in my original post above.

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    4 Posts

    What processing are you doing with OpenCV ?

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    18 Posts

    @es-w Did you ever figure anything out on this? I'm having the same issue with QML in Qt 5.15.8 where some text is incorrect on the same screen as some correct text. I also explicitly set the font to Roboto prior to displaying any QML. The weird part is, is the same build works on one Red Hat VM, but does not work on a slightly different RH VM.

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    3 Posts

    @SGaist Thank you so much for the quick reply.
    I finally managed to do it.

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    2 Posts

    Finally we found the solution. The tip is to create a Scene3D in the qml file. And to create the camera and ForwaqrdRenderer in the QML too (and not in the C++).

    Scene3D { id: scene3D anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 focus: true Root3DEntity { id : root3DEntity renderSettings : RenderSettings { id : renderSettings pickingSettings.pickMethod : pickingSettings.PrimitivePicking activeFrameGraph: ForwardRenderer { id: renderer clearColor: "#4d4d4f" camera: Camera { id: camera projectionType: CameraLens.PerspectiveProjection fieldOfView: 45 nearPlane: 0.1 farPlane: 1000.0 position: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 2.0) upVector: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) viewCenter: Qt.vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) } } } } }